Death By Careless Driving Avoids Prison Sentence

Following extensive investigations and representations made to the Court, our client was given a community payback order and was disqualified from driving for two years. This offences carries a maximum sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment.

Published: 31/05/2017

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See also

Causing Serious Injury By Dangerous Driving At Inverness

This case was a perfect example of where injuries sustained in an accident unduly influence how an accused is prosecuted.  Our client was charged with causing serious injury by dangerous driving, a significant libel with the potential for imposition of a custodial sentence and, at the very least, a minimum period of disqualification of two years with compulsory re-sit of the driving test. However, all parties to the accident, including the police officers present, agreed that our client’s driving was careless, not dangerous.  This didn’t prevent the Crown from failing to take heed of our representations and insisting that the matter should proceed to trial.  We were eventually proved correct when the case did indeed result in a conviction for careless driving, thus avoiding significant repercussions for our client that he should never have faced in the first place.       ...