Mobile Phone Glasgow Found Not Guilty

Having been accused of using his mobile phone whilst driving, our client needed expert representation and was advised to contact our office by the police officer who reported him! The difficulty in this case was that our client was already on 11 penalty points and was facing a 6 month period of disqualification under the 'totting-up' provisions. This case went to Trial and we successfully cross-examined the police witnesses on the meaning of use of the phone. The Court upheld our submission that there was no case to answer and our client was found not guilty after trial and was permitted to drive (albeit very carefully) away from Glasgow Justice of the Peace Court.

Published: 23/06/2017

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See also

The Long Arm Of The Law

Our client was charged with using his mobile phone to text whilst driving. The police officer was adamant that from a distance of around 10 feet with nothing to obstruct his view he clearly saw our client using his right hand to send a text message. He was unable to see his left hand at all and presumed that it must have been on the steering wheel. The officer was asked if he noticed anything about our client at the time to which he replied that he had not. Our client was then invited to remove his jacket in the dock to reveal that he did not have a right arm. Needless to say that the officer was suitably mortified. This case attracted national front page headines across the UK - 'The Long Arm Of The Law' (which you can view in our Press & Media section). Our client was formally acquitted of the charge....