Failure To Identify Driver Section 172 Not Guilty

Our client was accused of failing to identify the driver of a vehicle he owned when required to do so in terms of the Road Traffic Act 1988, Section 172(2)(a) and (3)

There were a number of avenues leading to an acquittal in this case. On the morning of the Trial on 5th January 2021 our Mr Simpson, metaphorically you understand, sat astride the strongest horse and charged it at the Procurator Fiscal Depute who graciously accepted that the matter was incapable of proof and discontinued the case.

Our client - who had been facing a totting-up ban - was effectively found not guilty and was free to go, licence in tact.

Job done. 

 Kept Licence!

Published: 08/01/2021

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See also

Failing To Stop & Report Following Accident

9 live points on licence and charges carry 5-10 points with power of discretionary disqualification. Found not guilty in relation to both charges after trial....