Road Rage Tailgating Licence Saved In Elgin

This matter was originally prosecuted as an alleged contravention of s.2 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, namely dangerous driving, at Elgin Sheriff Court.

The original charge referenced tailgating, a poor overtaking manoeuvre and an alleged ‘brake test’ on a main road which nearly caused a collision. The evidence received from the Crown suggested that the standard driving was perhaps not as sub-standard as libelled in the charge.

Parties agreed that a plea of guilty to a reduced charge of careless driving was appropriate in all of the circumstances. We were able to take advantage of the written guilty plea procedure which allowed the case to conclude which is no mean feat in these COVID times. Our client received a penalty point endorsement which was a significant improvement on the minimum 12 month disqualification he faced prior to instructing our firm.

 Kept Licence!

Published: 11/01/2021

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See also

Dangerous Driving By Overtaking At 115mph On The A75

Our client was facing a minimum disqualification of 1 year along with an order to resit an extended driving test. We managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal that the standard of driving was careless as opposed to dangerous (depsite being clocked at 115mph in a 60mph limit and overtaking vehicles in contravention of solid white lines). Our client was disqualified for only 6 months and a relatively modest fine of £450 was imposed....