The Process for Speeding Tickets Resulting from Safety Cameras

Safety Cameras and Speeding Offences
No matter how careful a driver you are, there are times when we make a mistake. Usually, this takes the form of a flash of ...

Safety Cameras and Speeding Offences

No matter how careful a driver you are, there are times when we make a mistake. Usually, this takes the form of a flash of light in the corner of the eye and a rapid sinking feeling in the gut. What usually follows is a check of the speedometer and an anxious wait for the ominous notice of intended prosecution.

For many, this experience can be irritating, scary and perplexing.

This article details what to do if you are accused of driving in excess of the speed limit and the process involved – from the initial flash of the camera to potential penalties and what action you should take.

Modified: 2020-10-13 23:09:41
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