Drink Driving Glasgow Minimum Penalty Four Times The Limit

Our client had an accident and collided with a parked vehicle on her way home. She was breathalysed and found to be almost 4 times the legal limit. In the particular circumstances our advice was that a plea of guilty ought to be tendered at the outset in order to minimise the damage to her licence.
Notwithstanding the high reading, we were able to persuade the Sheriff to impose the minimum penalty of 12 months' disqualification and a financial penalty of £350. The Sheriff also deemed our client as a suitable candidate for the Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme which would reduce her period of disqualification by a further 3 months.
Drink-driving cases where a person is stopped in the act of driving are ordinarily best dealt with by an early plea of guilty as it is very simple to prove a charge of drink-driving beyond reasonable doubt. We pride ourselves in acting in the best interests of our clients rather than simply peddling snake oil and promising that we can do magic tricks that will make any charge disappear. It doesn't work like that.
As an addendum, should anyone mention "gas chromatography" as being a stateable line of defence to a drink-driving charge, run...
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 7th December 2017.
Reduced Sentence!
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