No Insurance Glasgow Not Guilty After Trial

Our client had transferred from a general criminal firm to get specialist advice on how to deal with charges of driving without insurance, two defective brake lights and with a revoked licence.
At the outset of the case, we advised that there was a way out of all four charges and that we would defend him. We thought it prudent to offer the Crown a couple of charges - the defective brake lights - as a quid quo pro for deserting the charges that we felt (based upon our experience and knowledge) that the Crown had no hope of proving. Unfortunately, the Prosecutor on the day of the trial was someone with limited experience and limited understanding of both road traffic legislation and the basic rules of evidence.
Needless to say that our very reasonable plea was refused. The trial proceeded and was hotly contested. Ultimately, following legal arguments the Court was entirely persuaded that our client was NOT GUILTY of all 4 charges. This was a better result that our client had hoped for (as he stated on his Google+ Review).
We pride ourselves in being entirely correct in the legal advice that we provide to clients and the legal arguments that we rely upon in Court.
This case was successfully defended by our Mr Simpson at Glasgow JP Court on 3rd May 2018.
Kept Licence!
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