A Narrow Escape

Kept Licence
Perth Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court

Having crashed his car on a country road, injuring his friend and passenger, our client was subsequently prosecuted for dangerous driving and risked at least 12 months off the road followed by a compulsory extended resit of his driving test.

After thorough investigation on our part, it became apparent that the crash was borne of a mistake on the driver's part rather than anything more serious.  This was reflected by the Crown subsequently accepting his plea of guilty to the statutory alternative charge of careless driving.

The Sheriff endorsed his driving licence with 7 penalty points, a disposal more in keeping with his error of judgement and allowing our client to carry on providing for his young family.


Published: 02/06/2017

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Dangerous Driving By Overtaking At 115mph On The A75

Our client was facing a minimum disqualification of 1 year along with an order to resit an extended driving test. We managed to persuade the Procurator Fiscal that the standard of driving was careless as opposed to dangerous (depsite being clocked at 115mph in a 60mph limit and overtaking vehicles in contravention of solid white lines). Our client was disqualified for only 6 months and a relatively modest fine of £450 was imposed....