Careless Driving Case Hamilton Deserted

Our client had initially approached the firm on the basis that he wished to plead guilty to a charge of careless driving which resulted in a number of separate whiplash claims and significant vehicular damage. It was a high speed collision on a dual carriageway section of the roadway in Shotts.
Having reviewed the evidence and carried out a locus inspection, it became clear that the case should be defended on the basis that our client did not appear to be criminally liable in all of the circumstances.
The case called for trial in Hamilton Justice of the Peace Court in August 2018. The Crown, unexpectedly, did not have a full compliment of witnesses and moved the court to adjourn the case to a fresh diet of trial. The presiding Justice of the Peace agreed with our submission that the case should proceed no further and the matter was eventually deserted simpliciter.
Our client was delighted to have avoided a careless driving conviction which could have had far reaching consequences for his employment status.
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