Dangerous Driving Charge Eaglesham Driver Keeps Licence

Our client was charged with driving at speeds in excess of 60mph in a 30mph limit and speeds in excess of 90mph in a 60mph limit, attempting to evade a pursuing police vehicle, and repeatedly driving in the opposing carriageway.
Police abandoned their pursuit and went to the home address of the registered keeper and our client's parents were at home. They called our client who returned home and was charged with dangerous driving.
Dangerous driving carries a minimum, mandatory period of disqualification of 12 months and an order to sit an extended test of competency to drive at the end of the ban.
Our client contacted our office and told us what happened from his perspective and we advised that he should be pleading Not Guilty to the charge.
We received the evidence in the case from two police officers who were indicating in the strongest terms that - in their opinion - the driving was dangerous. We disagreed with that analysis, instructed a drive-through recreation of the incident and entered into discussions with the Procurator Fiscal's office to have the charge reduced to one of careless driving.
The case rumbled on for 14 months and despite numerous Court attendances and frequent telephone conversations we were getting nowhere with the Fiscal's office. The case called again for trial at Paisley Sheriff Court and on the morning of the trial we asked to speak to the Reporting Officer in the case. Following a full and frank discussion with the officer it was agreed that the officer would speak to the Procurator Fiscal Depute and advise that, on reflection, the standard of our client's driving was not dangerous.
The charge was reduced by the Procurator Fiscal Depute in Court. We negotiated the charge and the narration whereby our client tendered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving at excessive speed and repeatedly driving in the opposing carriageway contrary to section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 a.k.a. careless driving.
A plea in mitigation was tendered to the Court and, having carefully considered matters, the Presiding Sheriff endorsed our client's licence with 4 penalty points and fined him £225.
This case was dealt with by our Mr Simpson on various occasions at Paisley Sheriff Court with the matter finally resolving on 15th October 2019.
Kept Licence!
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