Dunoon Speeding A83 89mph in 60mph Limit

Our client was out for a run on his motorcycle with his son. On the A83 Inverary to Arrochar Road at its junction with the A815 Dunoon to Cairndow Road, the police are often lying in wait shooting motorcycle shaped fish in a road shaped barrel. This day was no exception and, having had their tea, our client and his son (a.k.a. Speedy Gonzalez) had managed to get a little too far ahead. On a long straight without any traffic our client opened the throttle a little to catch up with his son.
Having been awoken by the son, the Police were alert and armed with their weapon of choice - the UNIPAR SL700 - and shot our client on his motorcycle, capturing his speed at a rather hasty 89mph.
Our client was charged with speeding contrary to sections 88 and 89 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and referred to Dunoon JP Court.
He attended at our office and we advised that an early plea of guilty would be the most appropriate course of action in the circumstances.
Our client's mitigation was delivered to the Court on 12th September 2018 by our Mr Simpson. Our client's licence was endorsed with the statutory minimum of 3 penalty points and fined £200. Speedy Gonzalez remains at large...
Kept Licence!
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