Restricted Road Speeding 40mph/30mph Found Not Guilty

Our client was accused of speeding at 40mph in a 30mph limit. Ordinarily a fixed penalty would be issued to and accepted by the driver. In this case however our client already had 9 penalty points on his licence.
He was extremely worried about the case as he was a self-employed taxi driver who also cared for his sister. We advised that he should be defending the case and keeping an Exceptional Hardship Proof as a back-up plan as it is always preferable to win the trial.
Having received and reviewed the evidence (all of which was captured on DVD) we discovered around 4 fatal flaws in the Crown case.
The matter called for trial at Dumbarton Justice of the Peace Court on 15th August 2019 and our Mr Simpson was in attendance.
Following his persuasive discussions with a tag team of Procurators Fiscal, the Crown decided that they would no longer be calling the case. A big red pen was produced and the case didn't call for trial.
In effect, this was an outright acquittal. Our client retained his driving licence and his employment. Job done.
Kept Licence!
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