Stirling Dangerous Driving 112/60mph 5 Penalty Points

Our client was clocked on his motorcycle travelling at 112mph on the A85 where traffic is restricted to 60mph.
The entire incident was captured on video and our client was charged with dangerous driving. There was an evidential difficulty with the Crown case and we advised our client to plead not guilty and allow us to do our work.
The case followed the usual course and in the run up to the trial we contacted the Procurator Fiscal's Office in Stirling and spoke to a senior prosecutor.
Following negotiations the Crown accepted that a conviction for dangerous driving was unattainable and a deal was struck whereby our client would plead guilty to a charge of speeding.
The matter called for sentence at Stirling Sheriff Court on 6th February 2020 where our Mr Simpson delivered a plea in mitigation.
The Sheriff was persuaded that the most appropriate sentence did not involve a discretionary ban. Instead the Sheriff endorsed our client's licence with 5 penalty points and fined him £400.
In the circumstances this was a fantastic result.
Kept Licence!
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