Fort William Traffic Lawyer
When we go to Fort William it is almost inevitably to defend an allegation of dangerous driving due to speed alone or a near miss overtake. We have been appearing at Fort William Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court to defend motoring offences since the inception of our Firm. We have managed to successfully defend many motorists who have been accused of a contravention of section 2 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. We have also been asked to appear in countless allegations of speeding in and around the Fort William area.
Fort William has limited parking outside the Court building (notwithstanding the official Court website saying that there is none). There is also parking available close to the West End roundabout just off Achintore Road. Coffee, tea and food in general can be sourced with ease along High Street.
Further information can be found here:
Image: Paul Stümke, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Fort William Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court
High St
Fort William PH33 6EE
United Kingdom
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