6 Separate Cases Licence Saved

Our client came to us with 6 separate driving cases in various courts. He already had 5 penalty points on his licence.
This was the toughest brief we had been given in all our years of representing motorists due to the sheer volume of cases.
Case 1 - No MOT - Not Guilty plea accepted
Case 2 - Failure to provide a roadside specimen - Not Guilty plea accepted
Case 3 - Dangerous driving, Driving Without Insurance - Found Not Guilty following a trial
Case 4 - Careless Driving - Not Guilty plea accepted
Case 5 - Careless Driving - Plea of Guilty - 4 points
Case 6 - Careless Driving - Not Guilty plea accepted
It was a real battle of negotiation, cross-examination, and strategic planning.
Our client, against all odds, retained his driving entitlement.
Kept Licence!
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