Glasgow Drink Driving Minimum Sentence Imposed

Our client misjudged the rate at which her body metabolised alcohol and was charged with drink-driving contrary to section 5(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1988. The incident occurred the morning after the night before and having initially been detained at the police station she was released on an undertaking to attend Glasgow Sheriff Court. Her reading was more than double the prescribed limit for alcohol in breath and was facing a lengthy period without her driving licence.
Our client contacted our office and we discussed her options and offered her legal advice. Following the advice, our client instructed that a plea of guilty be tendered to the Court.
We appeared with our client and addressed the Court on her behalf. The Presiding Sheriff agreed with our submissions and imposed the minimum 12 month period of disqualification. We further persuaded the Court to commend our client for inclusion on the drink-drive rehabilitation scheme which would serve to further reduce the period of disqualification by a further 25%. As a result - upon successful completion of the course - the net period of disqualification will be reduced to 9 months - the lowest permitted by law.
This case was presented to the Court by our Mr Simpson on 31st December 2018 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
Reduced Sentence!
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