Selkirk Speeding Driver On 9 Points Gets 28 Day Ban

Our client was caught speeding on the A68 south of Soutra Hill, Oxton at 81mph in a 60mph limit.
Ordinarily this would be dealt with by a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty being offered at the roadside for 3 penalty points and a fine of one hundred pounds.
Unfortunately, our client already had 9 penalty points on his driving licence and would have been disqualified under the 'totting-up' provisions for a period not less than 6 months.
A not guilty plea was entered and we requested all of the Crown's evidence. Unfortunately, upon reviewing the evidence, there wasn't a way out of this charge.
Having had discussions with our client our view was that the consequences of a disqualification for him would fall short of the legal test for exceptional hardship.
That left one option: a short-term ban.
Our Mr Simpson attended Selkirk JP Court on 28th August 2019 and addressed the Court in mitigation. The Court was persuaded to impose a discretionary ban of 28 days and a fine of £360.
As with every other case we deal with we delivered the best available outcome.
Reduced Sentence!
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